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Why Bigcat Coloring is the top 1 game ever.

A topic by Bigcatcolorer created Jan 05, 2024 Views: 57 Replies: 1
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We all love our true gaming heros like Super Mario and Legend Zelda, and therefore these titans of legend rightfully sit at your drunk uncle's house as one of his last remaining coping mechanisms. But these fantastical frauds don't even hold a candle to the true art form known as Bigcat Coloring.

Where there once was darkness, plague, and misfortune, the world's problems came to be solved when the legendary Bigcat appeared. They had one goal and it was to impart their great and terrifying power on this world through coloring rainbow pen. When Bigcat eat the mouse, it shows their true form as they let go of all restraint and beckon a primal form so great not even the Gods can stop it. Bigcat coloring is a metaphor, a representation, of how society put away its burdens, for better and worse, with the cat being the all-burdened beast the humans unleashed. Compare this deep narrative with Stupid Mario, who lacks any narrative or themes whatsoever. A better story would be Mario running from the EPA headhunting him for murdering endangered animals, a sad tale of a wasteful man avoiding his consequences.

Bigcat Coloring sends a powerful message and high value of entertainment to people around the world of all ages. One reviewer aged 7 says, "the game is good now let mommy and daddy go!!" This young fellow displays how the game is very appealing to and healthy for young "gamers." My grandmother, aged 97, also phoned in to tell me, "this game right here is very fun, I play it all of the time." When I went to her home over winter break, I never saw her play or mention it once. I suppose it is to not give the other members of the family the shame of knowing they aren't the creators of Bigcat Coloring, which would eternally loom over their heads throughout the visit (naturally, I told each of them myself). This variety in audience shows the versatility of Bigcat Coloring's message.

While Bigcat Coloring earns itself all of these numerous praises, it unfortunately does not find much mainstream success. This is due to the brainwashing of the common folk. When I told my friends about Bigcat Coloring, they laughed awkwardly. When I invited them over to play Bigcat Coloring, they politely declined. When I asked them to play Bigcat Coloring at the party, they asked if I needed to talk. Yes?! I need to talk about Bigcat Coloring! This game is my savior, with more content than Skyrim and tighter gameplay than Mario 64. Without Bigcat, I am nothing. With Bigcat, I am saved.

In a world where there is big and cat, be the big and the cat who colors. A profound message delivered by a true philosopher when they enlightened the world with their knowledge and Bigcat Coloring. While it may not be widely known by the public, this hidden gem is a profound statement and a great source of entertainment for everyone in the whole wide world.


Thank you for the support! I wholeheartedly agree that Big Cat Coloring is a game.