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Galactic Glutton

Ever wanted to eat space rocks? Now you can! · By L & T games

Removed or glitched features

A topic by L & T games created Dec 26, 2023 Views: 29 Replies: 1
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Heya, so, fun fact about this game is that, it actually doesn't have a whole lot of features that i planned on adding in the first release, some might come back if i consider it, some won't, you can guess which won't and which will, here they are:


Moons were actually in the game until quite recently, but then i had to change a line of code in the skin market and then they suddenly stopped spawning, althought yes, you yourself can have moons, other planets were supposed to also have them, they would rotate around planets and they were just small enough for you to be able to eat.

Habitable planets

Something that i tried to make but didn't get working was habitable planets, if you stood near a star for too long you'd slowly create life, but now the graphics for that have been used as skins in the skin market, and if you stood near a star for long enough as a habitable planet, a dyson sphere would appear around it.

Black holes

Black holes was something i planned on adding, i still have a graphic for it somewhere but i forgot about it completely, i literally didn't even get around to coding it.

Black & white dwarfs

These were supposed to start spawning in when you got around 80+ max chance, black dwarfs wouldn't spawn in normally, only occuring when a white dwarf existed for too long, but the code didn't even work.

Purchasable abilities

These were something i had in mind for a little while, never got farther than "just an idea" but it was fun to think about it.

Over all quality of life

The yellow sun was supposed to spew out little yellow bubbles, they did nothing at all, getting too close to a planet would cause you too slowly go towards it without your input, there was supposed to be an easter egg in the title screen.


Was supposed to be a gig where a dude that was super fat was supposed to appear sometimes.

Sound & music

The computer i'm using doesn't produce any sound at all so i couldn't get any sounds or music.

Planet growth & collision

When planets would hit each other, the smallest would be destroyed, and the biggest would grow.

0 money

I actually put in starting money to test & debug more easily, never meant it to be a feature, oops.

I think that goes about all the ideas and concepts i scrapped, who knows, maybe next update i'll add some if not all of em? I don't know, we'll see.


That's real i think