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I remember creating my own rumours, just to see how far they'd go.

Amazing what can happen when people want to believe something.

All those rumors about hidden secrets in video games, and whatnot brought me back to my childhood where I watch tons of videos on 'hidden secrets' lol! Great game btw :)

i Love game

You get used to hearing rumors of this nature. The language of folks who value a peculiar sort of witty rhetoric.

really lovely game. thank you

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I remember a rumor that Donkey Kong appeared as a hidden boss in either Super Mario RPG, the first Paper Mario, or maybe M&L: Superstar Saga.  Also, hoaxes about Mr. Resetti's House. 

After online guides became widespread, I did end up catching a Mew in Pokemon Blue, following a guide from GameFAQs.  It's not under the truck, though.

If I play a random game I find on Itch, it's likely harder to find videos/guides where someone else already found all the secrets.  The tradeoff being that with fewer players, there are fewer entertaining rumors about obscure games.

BTW, did you know that in Tomato Clinic, it's totally possible to unlock the ability to play as a werewolf?  My Aunt who works at NPCKC said so.  Vampires don't accept blood donations from werewolves due to centuries of conflict between their species.  

In my parts they never talked about a truck. They said he has something to do with SS Ane but I don't remember the details.

That aside Mew can actually be caught in pokemon red though. You have to exploit the game a bit (though no external tools are required) but it's absolutely doable. You can get all 151 pokemon if you believe enough (and open the menu at the right time then fly to the apropriate place). :)

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we lived in a simpler age

we had hotlines, tip books and rumours

we were children and video games were magical – if there are 150 or 250 monsters and 8 cities and berries and eggs and a phone – why not mew or the pokérus

I remember my friend telling me the wildest lies about Fallout 2, and I believed every one of them, because the game appeared so wide and full of possibilities to me, that anything could happen in it. I also remember completing Diablo I (I was a PC kid) over and over again, because there was a rumor that you can unlock a space marine character from Starcraft if you complete the game X times.

Thank you, your game brought back warm memories :)


Sweet little game and a really nice take on the theme. Our old pokemon cartridges really are our personal museums now in some way.

OH NO wait I already knew this, but it's cool anyway

This really took me back! 

I love this so much! I totally agree. There was nothing like that sense of wonder and mystery when guides and let's plays weren't a few clicks away! Wonderful little game :)

aww thats so sweet


I once knew somebody that traded me a Mew & I traded it back just to get all 151 on my Pokedex in my old Pokémon Blue cart which I sadly no longer have anymore :(


filling out the pokedex on the gameboy is no easy feat, so good job!

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