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Boom Witch Demo

A momentum shooter where you play a witch stuck in a cauldron. · By Amoral_Crow

Some feedback on the demo

A topic by p00mah created Oct 30, 2023 Views: 60 Replies: 1
Viewing posts 1 to 2

Played the demo and loved it. Heaps of potential in the ideas and mechanics here for an awesome game.

Here's some feedback from a new player after their first session:

General feedback:

- Presentation and aesthetic is stellar. Really strong visual design characters.

- Would be nice to try with a slightly longer bunnyhop timing window, I found it difficult to consistently maintain speed

- Needs a less steep learning curve, watching your gameplay, being able to generate insane speed and fly around the arena would make fights way easier but as a new player it feels like too much is expected too quickly of me.

- Level design a bit unclear where to go at times.

Nice to haves:

- Being able to assign weapons/actions to scroll up/down in the controls menu

- Too dark in places, brightness/gamma slider would be great

- More feedback when getting hit, sometimes it's unclear where I took damage from. Maybe a directional damage indicator on the   HUD would help? I found there were a decent amount of hits/deaths where I got hit by something from the side or behind that I couldn't hear and couldn't tell what it was.

- The crosshair was a little small for me and my resolution. With the current size, I found it borderline impossible to be able to make out the details and see how much my spell had charged during a fight. A slider/option to make this bigger would be great.


- Seems like I can shoot through walls with the wand. Attempted to rocket jump horizontally, but I didn't get any propulsion because my wand was inside the wall and the spell didn't explode on the surface of the wall where I was standing.

- When dying and respawning, enemy projectiles aren't deleted so there were a few instances where I spawned right in front of a projectile that was undodgeable.

- When respawning, the wand (or last equipped weapon) should be selected by default imo. If I scroll down, I can't select wand, and have to first scroll up to select cat. The reverse happens if I die with cat equipped. I'm assuming the game still thinks I have the weapon equipped and prevents me from switching to it after I respawn.

- If you open the pause menu after dying, you can still press R to respawn but the pause menu stays open and prevents you using the mouse (but you can still move/jump with they keyboard

- Dialogues/cutscenes were a little scuffed on my 21:9 aspect resolution. The overlay was positioned all the way to the left and I could see the game world behind on a slim portion of my screen all the way over to the right. (This one is very minor, a lot of AAA games have worse UI bugs for 21:9 lol)

For some perspective, I have many many hours in TF2 and Quake 1 so rocket jumping, bunny hopping and air strafing are very natural for me but I definitely need more than my first hour of play to feel like I understand how to chain moves together to build speed quickly. Definitely keen to play more and learn though. Overall, I really enjoyed my time and definitely will be following this project closely.

Hoping some of this is helpful, am excited to see how this game progresses.


Thanks so much for playing! This is all great feedback, and echoes a bunch of what many others are telling me, but also brings non-standard resolutions and deeper UI options to my attention. Hope to deliver on all of this as I flesh out the demo more.