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Software doesn't start - no error message, windows 10. Tried installing Microsoft SAPI SDK 5.4, then when I run ZXTextGameCreation.exe,I get error: "TTS App> Error in initialization: Invalid property value. Shutting down."

hello, thanks for the information. Is there a line number where the error occurred?

Hi. No, it's just a pop-up window, whenever I try to launch TextGameCreation.exe.

ok, I understand, I'll try to fix it this week

Thanks,that'll be great! FYI, same error message on SDK 5.1...

did you uninstall version 5.4 first?  it is best to have only one version in the system to avoid conflicts

one more thing, maybe the problem is the SAPI version. try to install Microsoft Speech SDK 5.1 that was used when creating the project
SDK 5.1 .msi file is in the project archive or download it from here:

OK, thank you!

Hi there. Does ZXTextGameCreation work in Windows 11?

I'm trying to get it to run and it just isn't working. It doesn't even want to fire up. What am I doing wrong or haven't done please!

Thanks for reading

Jason White

sorry to hear. did any error message appear?

it should also work under Win 11, unless some library is missing in the system

Thanks for your reply :-)

I'm not receiving any message at all and it's not even starting? Very strange. Do I need to have any software in particular on Windows to run it?

To utilize the TTS and Chat API features, ensure that the SAPI Speech SDK and WinHTTP SDK packages is installed. Program may need also Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Common Controls

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Hi there! I installed SAPI Speech SDK and it now works!

Thank you so much

Jason White :-)

great, once you use the program, let me know your impressions, I'm looking forward to what you can do with it, or if you have any suggestions for its development

Do you have a link for the required software please - can't get it to start either. Thanks.

very interesting project my dude

thanks (:

Greetings, been lurking and tried repeatedly using your program for quite some time. The error I get each time from around every executable seems to stem from the (likely obsoleted) libraries used, at least on my Windows 11 P52 laptop with the installation spanning two physical drives. I really would love to give this program a fair chance as I would love to make some ZX-Spectrum & IBM-PC (even x86_64 architecture feels like a IBM-compatible still to me) compatible games on my laptop (the other computer I own is a Artix tower so not really suited for Windows builds directly) I look forward to your deeds and I love the other freeware (and paid) programs you made with enthusiasm.

Thank you for your interest in my programs, it means a lot. We will definitely continue to work to the best of our ability. If it's not a problem, please send a screenshot of the errors to and we will definitely look into them.
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Of course, it is the least I can offer as a techie enthusiast [I also use a Artix Linux tower 2014 build if you ever want to testing done on such a Linux context] (& I do like the MorseCodeGenerator thing much as well, haven’t used it abundantly yet but I did open and tested it running as expected.)

So first of all, the ZXTextGameCreator ZIP package seems to not display anything (checked into the Task Manager and it stays active for a few minutes at least but still doesn’t render any window to the desktop environment, so then I killed off the program and nothing new visually came by like error dialog or whatever)

Second, the sincity demo did not display anything but also has not even started any process either.

Third and last, the Windows-oriented TextGameCreationGameEditor has propped a single blank window before disappearing immediately afterwards and the process continuing ad eternam until I ended it minutes later.

The single error code & data shown to me thus far

Will insert error dialog onto a screenshot here from SFX when I catch it and when I used the installer the first time, the install wizard was in some eastern European language, most likely Polish for some reason.

So yeah, I guess that infodump is decent enough information as a starting point for your debugging. I am glad to be any useful to you and myself through this. (I also am about to develop/program from my own set of specifications a new “retro” computing architecture stack relatively soon which could be nice to target.) Farewell to a soon enough fix of yours hopefully!

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thanks, this will help improve the app. with this error, the common dialog controls are probably missing in the system. it is possible that installing the package from here will improve the operation: although this component itself is not crucial and I will try to prepare a version where it will not be necessary, replacing it with something else. because this component is only responsible for opening a window asking for a file or folder selection