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Haato's diary

Haato recollects lost memories by exploring the content of her own diary. · By WWS-Haato

Haato's Diary Review!

A topic by pcpaneltiddywindows created Aug 31, 2023 Views: 163 Replies: 1
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I don't have twitter so I hope it's okay to post here!

First of all,  I would like to say a huge congratulations to everyone who worked on this game!! Ganba ganba~

The individual assets were excellent, the writing of the individual routes was so much fun (and very poignant at times??), the art (ESPECIALLY the sprite art for every single route, my gosh, I loved how varied and unique all of the art styles were, you guys did such a great job), the UI was super cute and accessible, and the MUSIC AAAAAA I’m astonished that you all came out with so many lovely original tracks, I’ll definitely be revisiting the music player!!           

If there’s anything I’d criticise about the game was the…management of the assets, maybe? I understand that it’s difficult to manage and organise such a large group of creatives to work on a project, and I would like to congratulate the staff for putting this together, but that difficulty does shine through in the awkward way things did (and didn’t) come together.

All of the routes are wonderfully written, but they all mention a birthday/anniversary live, so I thought that maybe we were building up to an event where we could see that live and have everyone’s routes tie together that way. But then it never goes anywhere, and the game just ends with Reine (who never appears anywhere else other than in the beginning and end, I don’t think?) and a photo of everyone.

The individual routes were also spaced apart in a way that makes it feel like there was meant to be something happening in-between scenes, but because there was no breather where you could do other things, it was a bit of a slog to get through them sometimes. It was a bit of an odd choice to have the player just straight-up select their character route? Since this is a diary, you’d write your entries according to the date, not people, right? Instead of selecting the routes and playing them through according to character, maybe it would have been better if you could just pick a character according to the date?

This is not at all a criticism on the writing of the character routes though!! I love love loved everyone’s takes on the talents and Haato’s dynamic with them, I laughed, I was emotional, I was (delightfully!) disturbed. My only guess is that there was meant to be a main route linking everything together that didn’t make it in, and the individual character routes were never written to be played all the way through in one go to begin with.

I noticed that there were credits for mini-games but…there were no mini-games? There’s a stamina(?) and haachama bar but they don’t really seem to serve a function? I really liked the phone UI (and also just the UI in general, the little pig in the corner is so cute, again big kudos to them!!) and again, I assume it was meant to be a really cute and fun way to jump between characters, except at the moment you can’t phone anyone else other than the talent whose route you’re on, so right now it feels a bit obsolete to have it in there.

There were times where music was playing where I felt like maybe there shouldn’t have been music, or maybe that the wrong track was playing, but like with the writing, I’m assuming this was more of a management/communication issue than anything with the music itself, since the pieces are great as they are individually!

Also, is the developers section meant to be there..? If it is, I don’t really get why…I feel like it was there for testing and the devs forgot to take it out. Maybe it’d make more sense to have a proper commentary section instead? Something like having the different creatives talk about what it was like working on the game, what changes they had to make, various trivia etc. As it is, it really just highlights how many things were arbitrarily left out (and also left in).

Ideally it would be great if we could have an update later on that integrates those assets properly, since it looks like the extras team worked hard on them! But of course, I understand if the group as a whole would rather be done with it.

One last thing! I noticed this about the last two projects too, but the credits speed is so fast that it genuinely made me dizzy to look at them. At least in a youtube video you can pause to catch them all, but in the game all you can do is replay the credits over and over while your head spins.

You can tell from the different art, music and writing styles that this was a collaboration by a large number of talented people, and it’s a shame that all these individuals are just zoomed past like it’s a chore to go through them, which I’m sure could not have been the intent.

I looked down other avenues to see if I could find them without having to squint through the speedy blur of names in-game for the eleventh time, but there aren’t any credits on itchio, the youtube channel, in the OP, trailers, teasers, or a single one of the many promo tweets that have been posted either. All I could find were credits for the staff on the official website, which is a little disappointing for a group that prides itself on having so many fans collaborating together. That being the case, I think it’s even more important that the fans who worked hard on this are credited as accessibly and mindfully as possible in the game at least!

Maybe if the credits were something you could manually scroll through? But given the large cast, I’d suggest having a credits section at the end of every route listing the people who worked on that specific route and what their roles were!

It might also be a good idea to differentiate who illustrated and who animated, both for the main OP and the individual character OPs!  

This was an amazing accomplishment, so I hope that every single person who worked on this is acknowledged properly! It’s a good thing to support Haato, but it’s important that this community doesn’t neglect to support one another too!

Thank you SO so much for the kind words and taking the time to play our game! It really means the world to us to have people write these thoughtful comments about the work we put in for a year and half, it makes our accomplishment much more worth than it already is :) 

As for your criticisms, it's very kind of you to organize your thoughts into sectioned articles to let us know exactly what you think and why. I can go through some points and maybe clear up some misconceptions and behind the scenes for our game development. 

You are very correct about sensing that there might have been "more in between" such as the mention of the birthdays, UIs, and the abrupt feeling going through all the routes in general. This project had to cut down some of the concepts that were advertised early on, so that we could make the most of what we already had. For routes, we just wanted people to pick and choose which girls they wanted to see first. It might end up confusing some people because of the way the calendar shows up, and how it seems to be structured in a chronological pattern. For music, we ended up overdoing it with over 100 original tracks, so we might overstimulated in places that wasn't exactly appropriate all the time. The dev section was always meant to be a sort of "here's some more stuff we had behind the scenes", but in the end it might have come off as something unintended, so that's our bad. Currently there's no plan to initiate a major "overhaul" update, but we're very glad that people liked the game so much that they ask for an update. We intended from the beginning to make this a community oriented project, so it was not at all our intention to make it seem as thought there is "too much to read" in our credits. We appreciate the time and effort from every single participant who worked on this project. We have a google doc version of our credits list at hand, so I'll upload that to our game page here, thank you for mentioning that.

I really hope it doesn't seem like we just wanted to be done with the game and get it off our hands. We might have bit off more than we could chew at times, but we still take immense pride in the facets of the game that came out to everyone's liking. And for those areas that need polish, we are grateful to have had such a learning experience and opportunity to share this with a wonderful community like this one. 

But I don't want to write solely to address any concerns or criticisms. We REALLY appreciate your kind words, not only in your analysis of our areas to improve, but also your comments about the game as a whole. As one of the music leads for this project, it really warms my heart to see that someone really likes our music!! As you mentioned above, ALL of our music (asides a few specific choices) are completely original. We went through a rigorous process in conceptualizing and writing our music, and had a ton of fun with the different styles and ideas our team of musicians brought to the table. I'm really glad our efforts have reached the community! And I definitely share your sentiments about the other teams as well - the writing in this game was greatly enjoyable to read through, and the art was astonishing to look at, and the UI was such a nice touch to resemble Haachama's motifs. So much effort and time and community participation went into this game, and I hope more people come forward to share their thoughts on the game as well! 

Personally, this was my very first venture into game development, music team management, and holding a staff role in any major project development. I'm so so proud of the work we did, and the experience I learned from it. I'm glad I was able to provide some support and assistance for Haato's Diary, and seeing people like you comment about their experience with the game just puts a smile on my face! Thank you very much for playing our game, and for providing a detailed overview of your thoughts on our work. 

- Conkos