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Biscuits And Cofi <3

A game I made for my girlfriend. It only has 6 levels but is super simple and ez. · By Hippie_Kofi

The first Biscuits and Cofi post, I guess!

A topic by Garrett Productions Games created Jun 29, 2023 Views: 63 Replies: 2
Viewing posts 1 to 2

Hello! I really think this game is nice! The pixel art is actually pretty good, I could look at it for hours. The character sprites are also cute.  I don't actually know the girl you made this for, but if other people will play it I'm sure she'll love it! Also reminds me of when I would play fire boy and water girl on the computers every know and then in third grade. I don't actually have anyone to play this with right now, but next time I see one of my friends I'll show them this game! Best of luck!!!



 Omg hahaha I didn't think anyone was gonna play but thank you for your compliments. Well yeah, I wanted the game to play like fire boy and water girl, and am so happy to hear it gave you that vibe hahah. Yes, that would be great if you do also the game doesn't have an ending yet the development is paused am working on my other game ToasterHead which you can play on my page thanks for the support this is really crazy hhahaha have a good day :). 

Any time!