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Hentai RPG Village by hVerseGames

A simple management game, with a sprinkle of hentai. · By hVerse Games


A topic by n0uda created Jun 28, 2023 Views: 176 Replies: 1
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Money gain is much to slow, from what I gain you can assuage this by basically cheating in the game and spending all your memories and buy all the buildings in upgrades at the starting menu. Other than that there seems to be no way to stop the reputation loss, I've gotten all my stats to above 100 and was still losing rep so at this point in the game there's almost no point in playing because you are guaranteed to lose


Hi n0uda,

Thank you for providing your valuable feedback. We greatly appreciate your input and understand your concerns regarding the reputation system in the game.

The main objective of the game is to unlock events and collect memories as much as possible before your reputation reaches zero. It's important to ensure that every run eventually reaches zero reputation to maintain balance and prevent players from indefinitely playing a single village.

However, we have taken your suggestion into consideration and came up with an exciting idea to address this issue. We plan to introduce a bonus exit every 50 days, giving players the choice to either continue their village or end the run, receiving 3x the normal memories as a reward. This addition will prevent endless runs while also providing players with extra memories to aid them in their future endeavors.

We believe this solution will strike a balance between gameplay longevity and rewarding progression, allowing players like yourself to have a fresh start with the bonus memories earned from previous runs.

Also, we have been playing this game too and we know how hard it is to earn money. We have already addressed this in our current beta by increasing the rate of adventurers coming to the village, as well as the income of buildings. It should be ready by the weekend so stay tuned!

Thank you once again for your valuable feedback, as it helps us enhance the overall gaming experience. We look forward to seeing you enjoy the updated version of the game!