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Future features

A topic by JustJasnov created Apr 07, 2023 Views: 72 Replies: 1
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Welcome,  here we present the feautres of the project and crowdfunding goals to help the audience get the idea what do we propose and what we need for that

Developer (2 edits)

A.D. 2438 // 399 A.F.S.W. // 0 B.S.S.W.

The world that miraculously survived a nuclear war is once again on the precipice: escalating colonial wars and resource starvation on Earth, coupled with an overpopulated Earth, lead first to full-scale war between Earth alliances and then to a doomsday scenario with onboard AIs taking control of fleets and bombing Earth.

In this situation, various factions, be they colonial separatists, religious cults, or expelled earth oppositioners, take power in their own hands, trying to survive and establish their vision of the future.

As a player, you will be able to control your own faction or act as a lone commander, waging diplomacy and war. The presented demo shows the tactical fleet combat module.


The game's features on release:

1. tactical battles of space fleets - DEMO

2. Strategic map covering Earth and surrounding star systems with exoplanets:
*Proxima Centauri
τ Ceti

2.1 Diplomacy and Economics: the ability to conduct much of the campaign by non-military means

3. Strategic battles for planets

4. Tactical battles for planets: RTS module.

5. Unique ship designs and voiceovers for different cultures and languages.

Crowdfunding goals:

Sadly, not every feature that we want to include can be included without proper funding and the destiny of the project itself relies heavily on public and financial support. So, we present you crowdfunding goals and explain what this goal is about.

  1. 750$ / Month - Guaranteed development - This amount will be enough to fully cover developer's basic needs, thus, allowing him to pay his undivided attention to the project.
  2. 1000-1500$ / Month - High quality assets - Availability of high quality assets (textures, effects, sounds) can make the game look and sound truly beatiful without the need for a developer to make everything by himself.
  3. 2000-2500$ / Month - A high quality specialist can be hired to work on the team, increasing the productivity of the team and the speed of production.
  4. 2500$ and more - This amount would be enough to purchase freelance composer, voice actors and maybe artists to create a unique and immersive experience with unique music, style, voice lines etc. You can support project via patreon: