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Rogues & Loners “Room”

A topic by ♥•°Teddy°•♥ created Jul 16, 2021 Views: 485 Replies: 273
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Developer (1 edit)

(alrighty, just reply to your self-)

(what like start rp?)



Dolos was stealing medicine from the river clan


Peaches Star passes by and sees you “HEY! PUT THAT BACK!” This alerted the warriors and the tackled you down and held you down pressing your head into the ground “Who are you and why are you stealing?!”

"Please. I'm just a poor half blind. I apologise for the theft but I assure you this is all a simple misunderstanding."


“Then why were you taking it! I need an answer.”

"I'm injured and need the medicine to heal."'


she stares at you for a little bit “Where are you hurt?”

He attempts to lift his back right paw only to fail

“I’d show you but…”


she sighs “Fine i’ll help you!” She grabs some cobwebs and other things and makes a bandage to help “There! Now get out!” She takes the things from you

“of course.”

He limped away


*hiding in a cave, tending to his wounds with stolen webs and herbs*

gasp Dolos steals things too!


“O owow! Stupid starclan…”

Dolor stumbles upon the cave with some stolen items in hand

jumps back, he’s too injured to fight but he’s a bit of a dumbass


“…you sure you can fight looking like that?”

“…W wait y you aren’t starclan kin?”

“is that some kind of joke or are you blind?”

he falls down 

“F fuck”

He reached for more webs

Dreampaw was running alongside a river why? Idk-