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[UE] Accumulation-Based Motion Blur

Get a sickbutts old-style motion blur like you remember from your favourite tactical espionage action games! · By The Enby Witch

Unreal 5.0EA installation.

A topic by Daniel Hong created Feb 25, 2022 Views: 88 Replies: 1
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Please note that the plugin only supports 4.26, 4.27 and 5.0EA.

I purchased a plug-in at Unreal Launcher.
Ask Unreal 5.0EA how to install it.
(Unreal 5.0EA application is possible.)


The Unreal Marketplace didn’t give me the option to provide the build for 5.0EA, but you should be able to take the 4.27 version and copy it over just fine. I’ve tested the plugin in 5.0EA and it worked fine.