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Star Channel 34

This download contains ALL 12 episodes of season 01. · By AKABUR

Fulscreen Zoomed In Too Much

A topic by MasterBruce556 created Jul 27, 2021 Views: 1,208 Replies: 2
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I clicked fullscreen and now it's zoomed in too much and I can't switch to windowed mode.

This happened to me, so I am going to explain my process for getting out of fullscreen. What you need to do is temporarily change the scale/layout of your computer. Go into settings and find the layout, next to the display and resolution settings. Decrease the percentage. Use one of the presets, do not do a custom one.  Open this app and change the mode to windowed. Then move the window and shrink it down. Then return to your normal preset. and Use the app as desired. Alternatively you  can stay inside fullscreen mode and use the application while your scale is altered returning it to normal after you are done using the game.

Just hit "F" to quit Fullscreen