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Re Education

Mistress Red, a famous internet dominatrix and hypnotist has been kidnapped... and you are responsible... · By Purplehat Productions

Arrival on a piracy website, and my hopes for the future.

A topic by RosenKing1 created Aug 03, 2021 Views: 600 Replies: 1
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(2 edits)

Hey.  I wanted to let you know that this game has shown up on the piracy website F95zone.  You probably don't have an issue with that since there doesn't appear to be a non-free version of the game (plus there's even a scene in the game about how piracy is inevitable for porn), but it's still good to know where the game is and where people might be talking about it.  On that note, I made some posts in that thread that I figured I might as well repost here, since they include a non-scored review (because I hate the idea of numbers being attached to subjective opinions, especially when it's regarding an unfinished game), as well as some feedback on my hopes for future content.

Post from before playing:

[Mistress Red is in your clutches. Do you go through with it and brainwash her?
Or do you let her go and learn more about the human behind the persona?]

And then brainwash her. Right? Because it's more fun when you know what you're brainwashing. More effective, too.

Anywho, sounds fun. Let's give it a try.

And from after playing:

Dangit, protagonist, I told you the brainwashing works better if you get to know them first. So, the game seems like it's following Penlight's example so far, in that it focuses on morality and tries to make the protagonist feel like shit if he goes through with the brainwashing. At least in the one-and-a-half routes available in the current version. Although it does go more explicit with the sexual content than Penlight, especially in the brainwash route. Right now the only path that goes all the way to an ending is the "don't brainwash her" route, and while there are hints of other path splits that could lead to you using the helmet again, it's more or less a straightforward non-brainwash route for now (with minor elements of the protagonist getting hypnotized and slightly dommed, although the apparent path split that would take him on the "become a sub" route doesn't give you the option to do so yet). There are four endings to that route, but only because of a set of decisions you make at the very end, and the only difference is the text in the epilogue, so I'd count it as being four variations of the same ending. The brainwashing route is incomplete, and once again hints at possible splits where you can take things in a different direction, but is currently heading down a "protagonist is completely evil but also unable to be satisfied with his conquests because he was too evil about it" direction. It does seem like there's another unimplemented path split in between deciding to go through with the brainwashing and actually doing it, so hopefully there will be a route where he thinks things through, talks with her about the best way to brainwash her while leaving most of her personality intact, and just turns her into his devoted girlfriend-slave (and accomplice). But if this is anything like Penlight, the dev might deliberately want to avoid having a route where the protagonist "gets it right" and gets a brainwashed slave who he's actually satisfied with. Well, hopefully they're open to making a route that falls in between the two extremes and lets the protagonist learn some of the important lessons of the game's core theme while still getting to do some brainwashing, possibly with the help of a brainwashed Rachel who loves him too much to let him destroy himself.

Anywho, so far the game has potential, but I can only cross my fingers and hope that one of its future routes ends up being the kind that would satisfy me.

The hat thanks you for letting it know. Yes, piracy is inevitable and a double edged sword. The hat knew that going into this.

As for the comparisons to Penlight, the hat was inspired by Penlight and thinks highly of that game. However the hat also has its own ideas that come from over a decade of writing erotica.

And as of right now, Re Education is less than 20% complete. as for what's in store for future versions, well let's not spoil anything.