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Breakable Wall Bugs

A topic by PolaRoidRage created Oct 25, 2020 Views: 95 Replies: 1
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While I was playing through the first level of your game, I encountered a few bugs.

The first bug occur when I began to play, Fable could get outside of the level. 

Secondly, during one of my attempts, I broke the breakable wall and was unable to progress into the level. Causing me to get soft-locked. 

That's all the bugs that I had encountered, if I find anymore I will make a follow up to this. 

Thanks for the feedback, i have a few questions:

Did Fable get out of the level before or after starting the level? (Before going out of the starting room or after?)
And also could you tell me more info about the "i broke the breakable wall and was unable to progress" situation? Did you get stuck inside the wall?