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What could have been improved?

A topic by dibelmatt created Jun 28, 2020 Views: 157 Replies: 2
Viewing posts 1 to 3

-In what areas is the game lacking?
-Are there any essential features we left out?
-What are your thoughts about the game and its execution?

extended gameplay time - unlimited rounds or scoring (competition on having highest score)  ,  boss fights , powerups , spaceship upgrades, Shop , and more colors ..  these are all just suggestions yet gameplay overall is excellent!, keep up the good work.

For me it was hard to know when i could shoot or not, you should make the glow more obvious. I also found myself having to look back and forth between my player and the type of gun I was using, maybe you could have an icon or graphic somewhere around the player. The overall game is very fun, keep it up!