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Bug Reports and Errors Sticky

A topic by Azalyne Studios (Aly) created Jun 22, 2024 Views: 10,656 Replies: 517
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This isn't a bug or an error, so I'm not certain whether it belongs here, but it's the closest option I could find. I'd like to make a suggestion about removing the Sheltered Princess block from the Cynical option in character creation. The SP was raised to consider a political union her primary duty, essentially reducing marriage to a bargaining chip. Coming from such a background it seems possible, if not likely, that she'd have no expectations of marrying for love. In the scenario presented in CC (maid marrying older man), it is logical that she'd see a parallel  to this expectation of "marrying well" in the maid's own situation. Since this wouldn't alter the balance of the game, being an entirely(?) RP option, I hope you'll consider removing the restriction, since it doesn't contradict the SP's established personality.


My conception of the sheltered princess background has always been the sweet, romantic, innocent princess from the kind of fairy tales where princesses had no real agency and were viewed as prizes to be won or tools for their king fathers to exchange but still usually managed to fall in love with and marry a handsome prince (with little to no effort of their own)  gets thrust unaware into a very different kind of story and grows into a very different kind of person. So starting romantic instead of cynical is part of my vision of the background, hence the requirement. While I totally understand wanting something different and your points, for me I like the idea of becoming disillusioned or cynical as the summit goes on for SP, not starting that way, so I'm going to leave it as is for now <3

I definitely get the Princess Classic vibe from a good princess, but a Selfish, Indifferent and  Immoral one already strays from the archetype a fair bit. Still, that doesn't have to prevent her from being somewhat naive, so I'll just stick to making my princess undergo character development. Thanks for the response and explanation!

i'm pretty positive you can't start off indifferent? only neutral, from what i remember

Nope,  no restriction on any of the morality stats.

(1 edit)

I can't remember exactly where... But I got this error screen:

Some typos...

A lot of "dinning" instead of "dining"

"in no small heart"

"an increased your knowledge"

"reluctantly pull disentangle"

And not exactly a bug, but some hope / notes for the epilogue
* as an MC who goes to Skalt and is really close to Penelope, I was really hoping to get a line about Penelope and you meeting up or spending time together!
* If you say you'll take Ria with you... and then say you'll go back to the isle to spend your life with Jasper... doesn't this mean that Ria goes back to the Isle? Which is totally fine but would have been cool if it was acknowledged!


I have absolutely no idea what that bug is about- therefore it should be safe to ignore. Let me know if it pops up again! (The line it talks about is just a line telling Ana's sprite to show up, so seriously, no idea.)

Typos fixed for 1.13 thank you <3

And I something for both Pen if you both end up in Skalt and acknowledging the silliness of Ria packing up to go with you, only to come back to the Isle with you later <3


Nevermind, I figured out what the bug was probably about, fixed for 1.13 <3

Typo on the letter you receive during Week 1 as a Tomboy Countess : a T is missing, "They are going to be difficult. And you are going TO have to suffer"


Thanks for finding that! Added to the list of things to fix when I get photoshop again <3


Notes from the Countess route:

- Got a "since jasper is mysteriously busy, you won't find anything in your room today" dialogue after failing my date with Jarrod (with the "my sincere apologies" line)

- "you have found a small hidden laundry shoot" - should be "chute"

- Lady Petunia is referred to as "Lady Pentution" in the countess' "clear your name" epilogue


Ha! My typos often make me laugh, thanks for finding them <3 Both they and the bug are fixed for 1.13

Hamin's date is supposed to give you +10 streetsmarts if you choose not to compromise, correct? I only came away with 5, and I'm pretty positive I passed...


You get +5 for passing the date and can get another +5 if you pick "Isn't being in the forbidden wing adventure enough?" during the date, but that means you miss out on the relationship boosts you get from other responses <3


After the trial, between Gisette and the RO (Ana) appearing:


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

ValueError: Conversion specifier can't be empty.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "script.rpyc", line 31607, in script

  File "renpy/", line 721, in execute

    renpy.exports.say(who, what, *args, **kwargs)

  File "renpy/", line 1419, in say

    who(what, *args, **kwargs)

  File "renpy/", line 1236, in __call__

    what = self.prefix_suffix("what", self.what_prefix, what, self.what_suffix)

  File "renpy/", line 1155, in prefix_suffix

    return (sub(prefix) + sub(body) + sub(suffix))

  File "renpy/", line 1135, in sub

    return renpy.substitutions.substitute(s, scope=scope, force=force, translate=translate)[0]

  File "renpy/", line 270, in substitute

    s = formatter.vformat(s, (), kwargs)

  File "/home/tom/ab/renpy-build/tmp/install.linux-x86_64/lib/python2.7/", line 563, in vformat

  File "/home/tom/ab/renpy-build/tmp/install.linux-x86_64/lib/python2.7/", line 589, in _vformat

  File "renpy/", line 171, in convert_field

    raise ValueError("Conversion specifier can't be empty.")

ValueError: Conversion specifier can't be empty.



Seven Kingdoms- The Princess Problem (Early Access) 1.12

Sun Aug 18 11:18:47 2024



This one stumped me so much, but I think I figured it out, fixed for 1.13 <3

I also got this one! Just came on here to report it and then saw it was already. Is there a way to continue the Ana route without tanking the trial? Or will I have to wait until 1.13? I'm very invested in my Ana/Princess romance, but not passing the trial feels icky.

I don't know how to update to 1.12

All the previous updates offered to do so automatically in the itchio app when I went to the game page. Not only does it not offer to update my 1.11 but when I "check for update" it says mine is up to date.

I don't know how else to download the update.


When you go to the game page, you should get a button to download the game right under "You own this game". There should be 1.12. That's how I always do it because everything at the bottom of the main page are no links

Thank you! That worked


Sorry about the trouble! I always upload the same on my end, so I'm not sure why it wouldn't work the same <3

It's not your fault. All the previous updates I downloaded no problem. I was able to do as suggested. But the app still seems to think the version I'm opening is 1.11, even though I deleted the old one and replaced it with the new one.


Not exactly a bug, but for the trial, one of the options for what killed Lord Aldric is "poison administered by another method." I would say that he was definitely poisoned by the needle rather than the tea, but if you select that option instead of the one about the wound, the game counts the answer as wrong. I would either get rid of this option altogether or make it so that it can be used as a correct answer if you know about the weapon. 

This is not a bug, more of a...realism thing? Representation quibble, I guess? It's specifically about Dowager Countess Yvette and her wheelchair use.

She's in a manual chair (I mean, I assume), but we never really see any mentions of her having a nurse or an attendant (isle native or otherwise) to help push her -  she can navigate on her own to a certain extent, but she's an elderly woman with limited reserves of energy and she also has to, presumably, navigate stairs as well as less forgiving surfaces like the fields outside the castle. They don't need a sprite or anything, but a mention of some kind of support worker character accompanying Yvette would probably be appreciated by a lot of players.

(1 edit)

Might be a bug, I’m not sure?

During Zarad's romance (spoilers underneath) I got the option to inform Hise of Zarad's secret identity during negotiations between Corval and Hise and chose that option. But apart from it giving Hise a boost during negotiations, it didn't change anything? The romance and epilogue played out just as it did on my original playthrough (where I didn't betray Zarad and married him)

Happened in Week 7 on an evil run, attempting to create conflict between Skalt and Wellin.


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/script.rpy", line 47968, in <module>

NameError: name 'wellskalt' is not defined

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "script.rpyc", line 47968, in script

  File "/private/var/folders/ct/_h84sw4j2vq_ykjfll_cg2b40000gn/T/AppTranslocation/AF91FBB5-5916-443E-86B8-1F19DFFC09D9/d/7KPP", line 862, in execute

    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,

  File "/private/var/folders/ct/_h84sw4j2vq_ykjfll_cg2b40000gn/T/AppTranslocation/AF91FBB5-5916-443E-86B8-1F19DFFC09D9/d/7KPP", line 1912, in py_exec_bytecode

    exec bytecode in globals, locals

  File "game/script.rpy", line 47968, in <module>

NameError: name 'wellskalt' is not defined



Seven Kingdoms- The Princess Problem (Early Access) 1.11

Wed Aug 28 16:12:47 2024


Also, never got an error message for it, but my Pirate found Zarad's secret in Week 6; she definitely found out, because she was able to mention it to him at a later date, but the text showed her shrugging it off/not putting the pieces together as if she hadn't succeeded.

If you get the jiyel/arland war ending and have not romanced zarad, then avalie's ending says her engagment to zarad fell through, but zarad's ending still says they got married.

In week 1, I used my open time slot to practice with Ana for +5 self defense, then the next scene was Jarrod's date. At the end when he talks about finding a bride i said "let me know if you find her" and then it re-played the bit about practicing with Ana and I got another +5 self defense before it moved on to the next morning.

In one playthrough I was close enough with Lisle that he told me his secret. During the negotiations in week 7 I was given the option of revelaing that secret or not.

in another playthrough Lisle didn't tell me himself, but I found out anyway through exploring the castle. In this playthrough the option to reveal the information never came. The whole thing wa just never mentioned again. Seems odd since a player who found out by sneaking seems more likely to want to reveal it than someone who's friends with Lisle.

(4 edits)

edit: okay,  after looking at the game script most of the stuff below can be disregarded. The game doesn't intend to set the time slots to 21. Instead, it's a repeated error in the script, where it tries to set variable to 0 and then increase, but it instead issues instructions

$ timeu == 0

which is a comparison, not assignment, and does nothing to the value of the variable. These pairs

    $ timeu == 0
    $ timeu += 14

should be replaced with a simple

$ timeu = 14


Not sure if this is error or oversight, but in Week 4 there's a distinct difference between what the game tells the player and how it plays out in terms of mechanics.

At the start of the week you're told that with Matchmaker business out of the way and with everyone spooked by murder and not doing any social stuff, you'll have much more time at your hands than before.  And the "Time" panel which in previous three weeks starts at 14 (2 activities per day) is set to 21, which implies you should be able to pick 3 activities per day.

Except... nothing actually changes compared to previous weeks -- you still only get the same 2 slots per day. Add to this that couple of slots are typically blocked by social visits (one from potential partner, and one on Friday with murder clues) So you're effectively left with 10 slots before the trial, and out of these 7 are needed for full investigation, and 1 for personal plot. Leaving you with mere two slots to do anything else. Which is hardly much more free time you're supposed to have. And incidentally means if you haven't had the skill levels needed to perform investigations at the start of the week, there's practically zero chance to address this matter.

If this sort of crunch was intentional, then the Time variable on the Info panel should be perhaps adjusted so it doesn't mislead the player that they have more time than they actually have. Though it'd be probably far more considerate to instead do what the game claims and allow an extra activity per day, for more leeway.

(on a side note, it's also a bit frustrating that when you choose to explore the staff quarters MC suddenly turns braindead and even if they know about certain "Lee" who died and whose identity is pretty much known at this point is likely connected to this murder, they are only capable of searching through his room if Kade deigns to tell them so. But that's technically not a bug so, ehh ._.)

(3 edits)

On a different note. When trying to arrange political marriage with Jarrod,  the condition seems to be reversed here:

            if jar_rival <= 15:

He'll reject the proposal at low rivalry, but given that he talks how the reason is because he hates the MC, this likely was supposed to be jar_rival >= 15

edit: another potential small error:

            if i2 >= 190:
                play sound "music/yay.wav"
                $ well_approve += 10
                "Thankfully you are extremely talented in reading people just right. So your ability to flatter is really quite masterful."
                "And you can tell that your words hit as member of the delegation after member light up, clearly thinking better of you for your words."
            elif i2 >= 170:
                play sound "music/yay.wav"
                $ well_approve += 10
                "But as it happens, you are rather good at both reading people and as a consequence flattering them."
                "You can tell that your words hit home and you have made some inroads in gaining the approval of the delegation."

pretty sure the first gain here should be +15, given that a) this is the highest gain in the "best" option for other delegations, and b) passing the second tier check elif i2 >= 170: also gains 10 points (which does match the other delegations)

Minor bug, not sure if it has already been flagged, but I got contradictory Avalie epilogues on a recent play through. I had become her friend (not ally) but then blackmailed her and was told both that she was a rival for life ruining my life behind the scenes and that we were good friends exchanging letters. Also I'm not sure if this is the intended result, but I had successfully set up the Jarrod/Gisette throuple ending, then resolved Revaire by convincing both Gisette and Jarrod to step down. Even though I had reformed Jarrod and convinced him to step down I was told in the epilogue that he was furious for my part in his loss of power and broke our engagement, and so just got the Gisette ending. My guess is that politically marrying Jarrod might not work if he's not the crown prince anymore, but I found the text pretty confusing in the circumstances, since he shouldn't really have been surprised and angry.

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