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The Charmed Whisker's pageAre you participating in the Novice, Intermediate, or Advanced category?
Please explain why your team qualifies for the category you chose.
I have created this game by myself, no team. I have 6 Months coding expericence, I definitely fall under the novice category. I created all the coding, graphics and audio.
How does your game relate to the theme?
The theme was "Charm"
I created a game of a cat that goes from house to house to charm his way into getting meals. I made the cat charm with cutenetss and not magic. I hope you like it.
Specify any and all pre-made assets in your submission.
explain in my itch page. But all assets were made by me for this game jam within 3 days
Where can we contact you?
Discord ID: dukepawstudio (Email -
By submitting, you and your team agree to all rules listed.
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