Okay so I had to rejig a few files in the download to get it to work (for some reason the DATA_Hunter and MONO files are inside a copy of themselves) but I got it to work okay in the end. Its an...interesting monster design, and you get to kill campers in the woods - may I sugest maybe a scream SFX for when they die? And maybe a score counter to show how many are left? Just something to work towards. But yeah, it was okay, it worked and I got to finish it. :) Keep it up!
Okay so I had to rejig a few files in the download to get it to work (for some reason the DATA_Hunter and MONO files are inside a copy of themselves) but I got it to work okay in the end. Its an...interesting monster design, and you get to kill campers in the woods - may I sugest maybe a scream SFX for when they die? And maybe a score counter to show how many are left? Just something to work towards. But yeah, it was okay, it worked and I got to finish it. :) Keep it up!