I adore the art style! It’s a nice blend of adorable designs that still fit perfectly with the darker themes. Even without music, I found Erik’s facial expressions very impactful.
There were a couple of moments where I had some trouble understanding the text, but that could just be me! English isn’t my first language, so it might have contributed to that. For example, the line "I look at the foot. Something pulls it over, softly." left me a little unsure of what was happening, but it added to the mysterious, dream-like atmosphere. If that was your intention, it really worked to enhance that surreal feeling. The premise has really stuck with me and left me intrigued.
As for the puzzles, I wasn’t entirely sure what to do with the first one ("How many odd things stick out?"), but I might have missed a clue. The second puzzle, though, was well designed, and the foreshadowing there was such a nice touch! I really loved that part.
Overall, I think this Visual Novel has a lot of potential, and I’m excited to see what you create next! :)
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