Play memory
morning drive to gifu's page何を勉強しましたか。 // What did you learn?
I tried out binksi HD for the first time:
And I used PRINCESS INTERNET CAFé's "Tiny binksi Visual Novel template" to learn from and make my game:
The car sound is a royalty-free audio file from Pixabay:
I've used bitsy in the past, but working with binksi was completely different. I played around with some of the Ink scripting for stories, and I really like how it works. It is a lot more intuitive than bitsy's dialogue boxes. In future, I would like to learn how to do scene changes as well as add bitsy "gameplay" of having a character walk around the screen. I highly recommend the VN template by PRINCESS INTERNET CAFé. Without it, I think I would have been a bit lost trying to figure out binksi's interface.
The photos came from our actual drive to Gifu last month. I really like the small resolution because the slightly grainy quality works well with the bitsy aesthetics. I wrote the story in an afternoon, mostly to capture my genuine feelings during that drive. It is not my best work, but since my purpose this time around was to learn binksi more than anything, I feel satisfied having reached my goal. I also feel like in future, if I can come up with a better story, I'll be able to jump back into binksi. I have a few story ideas brewing, and it is nice that I now have a bit of experience working with binksi to feel confident enough to pull them off.
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