Hi MoldyToeMan!
This game is really polished! I love the animations for jumping and the tiny dust particle effects when you land. The attention to detail that you are exhibiting here will serve you well in bigger projects.
I loved the music and audio effects too. They really help to sell the games aesthetic. I can tell you put a lot of effort into this, the product is excellent!
I have to admit, the name was a bit discouraging for me to play. I would suggest avoiding the use of other people's franchises as your main theme. Try to come up with something original, that is maybe inspired by the likes of Indiana Jones. I think of Temple Run - It's essentially Indiana Jones, but its created its own brand and the two are not as connected in people's minds as they were in the minds of the creators. This will go a long way in building your brand as a creative! Best of luck!
Best Regards,
Brandon from TheIndieDream
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