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A jam submission

Single-player SnookerView game page

By Shuhan Zhang and Alwyn Zhang
Submitted by nimrodzhang — 16 hours, 6 minutes before the deadline
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What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • The physics of this game are so detailed that I feel like I am playing a pool game, and there is certainly depth of skill involved in the game. It was a lot of fun shooting balls and practicing to get better and manipulating my shots.
  • Playing the game is very straightforward, and the sound effect of the ball impacts adds a lot to how the game feels. I also like that you can hit the ball while it's moving to create a more dynamic playing experience.

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • It was unclear to me how I could increase the power of my shots. The guiding line may also be doing too good of a job in helping the player aim - maybe make it fatter or use another guiding system?
  • - I think playtime could be reduced by lowering the number of balls on the field as it feels like it takes a long time to get through one game

- Power could be controlled by how far the mouse cursor is from the ball, and there could be a guideline that shows the ball's possible trajectory for 1-2 bounces? (also i'm unsure how the power thing works as sometimes the ball will go very fast even though the power is at minimum)