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A jam submission

SkillsetView game page

Submitted by danielsst1, Un-Jarvis — 21 hours, 2 minutes before the deadline
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What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • I liked the idea of having limited ammo in order to force the player to strategically use his ammo to get a higher score. I liked that bullets were able to hit more than one enemy allowing for more skill depth. Overall the game had good mechanics and it was fun to play. 
  • The weapons in the game were really well done. It was very satisfying to use each weapon. The laser was my favorite. 

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • I think with their being a limited number of bullets the player should be able to switch to off hand weapons before loosing all the ammo in a current weapon. This would allow for more decisions as how to get a higher score. If the game allowed the player to scroll around the area past the initial screen it could allow for more options. Different enemy pathing could make it harder for the user as well. A way for the game to end and a high score system would be a good addition. 
  • The weapons need to be balanced better. The laser is extremely over powered and if used in short bursts, it's ammo will never go down. I also think the game should get progressively more difficult and the player should be able to die or lose.