This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-11-07 02:00:00 to 2020-11-22 20:00:00. View 10 entries

The 4th Annual Seattle Indies Game Jam is happening online this year and will be a slow jam from 11/6 - 11/22. As usual we are taking themes suggestions from our wonderful Patreon supporters and you and the rest of our community will vote on their favorite that will be announced at the start of the jam. Make as many games as you like during the 17 day slow jam and we'll have an esteemed panel of judges to review your work at the end and come up with awards in our usual fun categories.

All communication for the jam will happen on our Discord in the Seattle-Indies-Slow-Jam category join here:

Jam Schedule:

Friday November 6, 2020

  • 6PM: Join us in #SIGJ-Voice channel for opening presentations and the theme reveal
  • 6:30PM - 7:30PM: Brainstorming and team forming, use the #sigj-looking-for-group channel to advertise your skills and find people to work with
  • 7:30PM: Pitches - reconvene in #sigj-voice to give and listen to pitches for your game ideas. Each person who wishes to pitch will have 30 seconds to give an overview of their game, what their skillset is and the types of people they would need to finish their idea
  • 8:30PM: Start Jamming!

Saturday November 7, 2020

  • 1PM - 8PM: Join our usual Saturday Indie Support Group meetup in the #isg-voice channel for help with your game or just to meet other developers in the Seattle Indies community and see what they are working on.

Saturday November 14, 2020

  • 1PM - 8PM: Indie Support Group and Milestone feedback - join our usual Saturday Indie Support Group meetup for some help with your idea on the #isg-voice channel and we'll have mentors available to give feedback and technical help with your game in the #sigj-ask-a-mentor channel

Saturday November 21, 2020

  • 1PM - 8PM: Join our usual Saturday Indie Support Group meetup in the #isg-voice channel for help with your game or just to meet other developers in the Seattle Indies community and see what they are working on.

Sunday November 22, 2020

  • 12PM: Submissions due! Upload your game
  • 12PM - 6PM: Let's play and judging: Play each other's games and talk about your favorites on Discord. Judges will be playing and ranking their favorites.
  • 7PM: Final presentations and awards ceremony

Checkout the entries from our previous jams:

2019, 2018, 2017


Some Optional Themes - Local Flavors

Similar to the Global Game Jam's diversifiers, these optional themes can add secondary constraints to your project. Each optional theme is flavored with local Seattle lore! We recommend these optional themes for more experienced jammers, and even then, only one or two optional themes.

  1. Space Needle: Include both outer space and sewing in your game.
  2. Spider Season: Have at least one spider on every screen of your game.
  3. Locally Brewed IPA: Flavor your game with extra hops.
  4. Fremont Solstice Parade: Fill your game with tastefully covered nudity.
  5. Thriving Indie Community: Have the main characters of several other jam teams's games cameo in your game.
  6. Indie Support Group: Make a game about helping others achieve their dreams.
  7. Fishing for SQUID: Make a game about positivity in regards to sexuality or gender identification
  8. Beast Mode: Make a game where the main character turns into an animal.
  9. Sleepless In Seattle: Finish your game before you go to sleep each night. Start a new game when you wake up each morning.
  10. Under Pioneer Square: Create a rich alternate world beneath your main levels.
  11. Bill & Melinda: Make a game where the player's goal is to lower their own score in order to make the game world a better place.


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Linux (1)

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Equipped with only your camera, hike across the pacific northwest in search of the rarest cryptids.
Fast-paced, online multiplayer, with realtime shoving action
Recruit a team of angels and demons for a fateful battle!
Role Playing
Merge! Bake! Eliminate the Darkness!!!
Spook the dreaming children with your own monster - limb by limb. Made for Seattle Indies Game Jam 2020.
Milo awakens to find himself in a weird dungeon. He comes across a lonely beast named Benji....
Make some pretty colors!