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Baby, Don't Leave Me! (Game Jam)View game page

Hold on to your baby!
Submitted by kristina s., jgetzel — 23 minutes, 41 seconds before the deadline
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Baby, Don't Leave Me! (Game Jam)'s page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Best Design#23.8003.800
Best Art#34.4004.400
Best Narrative#43.2003.200
Best Audio#43.6003.600

Ranked from 5 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous and shown in a random order.

  • Clever control scheme (controlling both characters at once). Using a mother and baby definitely increases the investment/stress level. Camera control was subtle and well executed, as was the implementation of the enemies.
  • The character art is very cute! I love the way the baby crawls, and the mom’s jump. It’s challenging to control two characters at once, and pretty fun I think that the level design is good, the difficulty picks up as you face more varied challenges. I like that the mother is faster than the baby, it encourages you to pick it up whenever you can. The screen turning red for a warning that your baby is going away isn't clear - I feel like there could be a better way to represent this. Something more focused on the baby's location I wish that the cave background was a dark brown. I know the cave is dark, but I can see the ground. It would be fun if the mother looked more stressed when not holding the baby. Some of the tight spaces are really hard to get into. This first happened to me on the second trampoline. Jumping feels a bit slow as the mother. I feel like she should get some increase in forward speed from jumping, I mean why not? It would feel a bit better. I wish there were checkpoints. I went through a giant door, and my baby got taken from me (oh no!), but I wasn’t sure what to do there. Maybe I should have thrown the baby forward? If there were checkpoints, I would try again. The baby giggle as you throw is great, because it makes it clear that this is a positive thing, not a bad thing. You’re throwing the baby… but the baby is happy about it. I like the music layers that are spread through the level I think that if you are going to use distance attenuation on music layers, you should have a base layer that is full stereo. For the area with the trampolines, maybe try having that drum loop just be flat stereo? And the other elements come and go. The problem with making all of them 3d, is that it loses nuance and makes the world feel a bit false. Really cool, though. The mix is a bit unbalanced and needs a pass - The trampoline sound is very quiet, but the door unlock (game start) sound is pretty loud. The baby should make some cooing sound when you set it down. The mother could use some footsteps, or at least jump/land sounds

Baby, Don't Leave Me!

Jakob Getzel and Kristina Springer

Controls: WASD and Space to move Mom, E to pick up baby, Q to throw baby, Left and Right arrows to move Baby.

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That was super spooky, nice job! I liked the music as well!


Very cool idea to have the player control both characters! Your art style is really nice! Also that first enemy spooked me haha.