Alchemist_lin.x86 can not be run in linux. It claims the file doesn't exist. changed to executable and tried renaming it several times. it always claims the file doesn't exist. Even clicking on it errors and says the file doesn't exist. Tried downloading and extracting twice.
archlinux. I tried making it executable. I think its a x86 not a 64bit and will only execute on a x86 system. The errors I got are about architecture incompatibility
Alchemist_lin.x86 can not be run in linux. It claims the file doesn't exist. changed to executable and tried renaming it several times. it always claims the file doesn't exist. Even clicking on it errors and says the file doesn't exist. Tried downloading and extracting twice.
Which distribution do you use? Making it executable worked for me. Also try to run it from terminal.
archlinux. I tried making it executable. I think its a x86 not a 64bit and will only execute on a x86 system. The errors I got are about architecture incompatibility