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ivancilgames published a game 2 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android.
This is a Mortal Kombat prototype for the Atari 2600 / Atari VCS, developed during the Retro Platform Jam # 2. There are currently four characters available (Raiden, Scorpion, Sub Zero, Kano) for player1 and player2. During the game title y...
Piers Bishop published a game 2 years ago
A downloadable game.
This is a small Game Boy project. I used the themes of several game jams as a pretext to use some features I hadn't experimented with yet, such as memory banking, and music. Source code here if you're interested (it's a mess though, I'll tr...
rosette published a Trek 2 years ago
A downloadable Trek.
A little tiny star trek game written in basic for the commodore vic-20 steering controls: k - heading left L - heading right o - heading up , - heading down aim of the game: destroy 6 klingon cruisers without getting yourself destroyed