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Entangled Love's pageDescription of the game
Welcome to the Quantum Game JAM 2023. We are team number 004. The theme of the current Game JAM was (e)Motion. Love is a divine emotion. Love between any two person connects them and in Quantum Mechanics such intertwined connection is called as entanglement. So we decided to work around this idea. We kept the name of our game as Entangled Love. This game is similar to the Missionaries and Cannibal game in which there are 3 monks and 3 monsters and the task is to make them cross a river so that they all can reach other side of the river bank safely. But on any side if the number of monsters are greater than the number of monks then those monks will get killed.
For our game we have changed the characters of the game. There are 2 monsters and 2 couples(total 4 people). Because of the love between a man and a woman, emotions of both are entangled to each other that if one is killed then due to the spooky action at a distance other will be killed automatically. In short the state of one depends entirely on the state of the other. Hence totally there are 6 people viz 2 men, 2 women and 2 monsters
Credits (names/nicks + roles)
1) Aansh Savla (Ideas, Developing the game) (Discord ID: aansh3440)
2) Abdullah Kazi (Use cases, Developing the game) (Discord ID: AAK/Ludwig Maxwell Planck)
3)Pratiksha Gaikwad (Ideas, Defining problem statement, Use Cases, Presentations, Documentations) (Discord ID: pratiksha1080)
4) Amrit Chettri (Technical support) (Discord ID:amritchhetrib)
5) Swapnil (Discussing ideas, Finding Technology for game,Developing game)(Discord ID: swapnil1999)
How is your game related to quantum physics?
We have considered the emotion 'love' as entanglement between 2 people. Since how two
qubits are entangled but state of one completely defines state of other. Similarly love is an emotion which connects 2 person so strongly that state of one defines the state of other.
In this game if a women is killed by monster the men will get killed automatically and vice versa. This relates to a deep connection between those 2 person.
How is your game related to the theme (e)motion?
The game is related to both the themes. Motion and Emotion. To move person from one bank to other the boat travels in a linear motion and we have considered love as an emotion between the men and women.
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