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A jam submission

Dungeon SurvivalView game page

Roguelike PCG game
Submitted by kakayuw, kt1795 — 8 hours, 34 minutes before the deadline
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What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • I enjoyed the loading screen animation. I'm assuming it was to hide the procedural generation load time which I thought was clever if it is the case. The minimap display was pretty cool was well to see where the player can go.
  • - The game uses sfx well to indicate the user taking damage, and gives a lenient amount of invincibility frames to allow the player to recover/reposition from an attack
  • Pushing the crate looks pretty janky because the player and crate are both vibrating. The portal is kind of weird because after placing both crates, it just appears randomly, meaning you have to go through the whole map again to find it and that's kind of frustrating. 
  • The game uses the tutorai set but it has some creative mechanics. Also, you guys explained very well during the presentation. Good job!
  • The ghost is very cute, the white line of shooting and the background music of shooting are also very cool. And the map is of maze is beautiful. The ghost is very cute and real. And the map is also very interesting. Also, the white line of shooting is also very cool.

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • I think the enemy spawn could be improved so that they spawn further from the player. Every time I load into the room, I get attacked before I can react or the enemies just spawn on top of me.
  • - Hitboxes feel a bit unfair and enemies spawn too close to the player sometimes -- the game currently feels very luck-based as the weapon upgrade makes the game substantially easier too
  • I think it would be more fun if you guys can add a bigger map and add more varieties.
  • At first, it is easy to die in level 1. Maybe it can improve the difficulty slowly from very simple to ver hard. It would be more interesting if it can add more traps or add some other strategies to save more lives. It would be better if the game can improve the difficulty or add other resources like lives or other traps.