Kinda surprised no one's talking about this. It's a very well-made game that's only held back by the fact that the majority of players only have two eyes to work with at best.
I dunno, it seems like a neat take on a real-time strategy game, and the AI is fairly well-programmed, but I couldn't get very far because it feels like the fire spreads too fast. Even knowing that I had to quench the smaller fires to wall the bigger ones in, it was inevitable that I'd realize that one of my guys had been doing nothing for the past 10 seconds because you're expected to be looking in so many directions at once, and I feel like mistakes like that are penalized far more severely than they really should be. It's entirely possible that I'm just not good enough at these types of games, but I still think I would've enjoyed this game more if it wasn't so punishing.
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