To the judge who rated my game: while I agree this game is a 2 out of 5, I don't understand your scoring. You say the controls are simple and smooth and then rate playability a 2 out of 5? I would also like to know your reasoning for your rating on the other criteria because your feedback is extremely minimal and unhelpful besides the note on sound, I completely agree with that. I don't think this is a good game by any means, and I am fine with the rating, I would just really like some detailed constructive feedback. I thought this game jam was going to help me learn how to make games but instead I have confirmation that my bad game is a bad game and that's it.
P.S. By "fireball mechanic", do you mean the light that creates the shadow dimension? If so, I am extremely disappointed in your inability to play a game that you are supposed to be scoring. It shouldn't be my fault that you failed to read the explanation of the thing you don't understand.
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