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Kalponic Games published a game 2 years ago
A downloadable game.
The game was submitted for Devtober . Build structures to gather resources and defend your town. Use keyboard WASD/arrow keys or mouse to navigate the map Survive as many waves as you can. Click the gear button on the top left to access the...
Bardon published a game 2 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
There are ugly zombiewomen. But they were beauty girls, only shapeshifted. Transform with your Metamorphose-Gun the zombies back to beauty girls! (bugfixed on 07.10.2021)
ernani published a game 2 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Story You are baby panda is growing, ba a good mother panda and protect him! ๐Ÿผ Instructions Keyboard (Right and Left) to move. Design: Ernani Rocha Code: Luiz Costa Daniele Marotta Ernani Rocha Art: Ernani Rocha FP Audio Nilton Pedrett M...