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HuntersView game page

Collect gems and escape from the hunters.
Submitted by junkim20, baelul, Boxish — 2 days, 25 minutes before the deadline
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What did this game do well?


Level design promotes exploration. The tutorial level being a miniature playground area to try mechanics is nice, reminds me of Super Mario 64 a little.

I like the overall concept of the game where you have to avoid patrols and collect all the gems. The enemy AI is well done. The tutorial level lets you get used to the controls and the second level adds more exploration factor into the game, which is cool.

I like how the slimes were utilized to make it harder for the player to pass the level (could've just been a game where you just need to collect the right amount of gems before you can leave).

The idea of a stealth crawler is very cool, and the sneak-up-behind mechanic is also very nice.

I liked the overall gameplay, like the AI of the game and the overall visual maps

The graphics are very good honestly. Plus its 3D which makes the game very hard to make in general. additionally, I enjoy how the enemies have a direct range of attack infront of them that is a great addition.

The camera mechanics are really good


What could this game have done better?


The camera makes it hard to enjoy the game. Gem counter would be nice so player knows what to do.

I think the camera spins too much or is too hard to control/too sensitive. I think fixing that would make the game a lot more enjoyable. It would also be cool to have maybe some sort of obstacle/puzzle to solve in order to get some gems to make the difficulty of the game a bit harder but also add some more variety to the level design.

One click makes like 3 rotations which is funny but also making me motion sick.

The spinning camera bug does make me kind of sea sick, and I think the mechanics could have been introduced in a smaller level.

The camera really makes the game unfun and hard

The camera is very hard to manuever. Like extremely hard. To be honest just having a first person sort of camera would've made this a lot more fun. Also, the game doesn't have much to it, but obviously its a prototype so its fine.

Make the game a bit biggger so that players would have the experience to understand.