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Slime SimView game page

Want to know how it feels to be a slime?
Submitted by junkim20, grexzi, jbekk — 1 day, 29 minutes before the deadline
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What did this game do well?


I like how simple and cute the game is with the slime sprite. The various animation as well as the particle effects really makes the slime come to life as well. The sound effects and background music are also a really good touch to the game. This is very minor but I also like how there's a slight knockback when you hit the duck - it's a really subtle way to amplify the event of the collision.

slime movement animation is super well made, bgm is cool, sound effect is very slime-like

Despite what M thinks, I LOVED the sounds that you guys chose for the animations. I really like the sprites that were drawn (give my best to the artist!)

The animations and movement are really cool! The sounds are also really fun and add to the player experience.

The particles, the effects, music, and just the game in general is amazing! I love the aspect of the game; it feels like I'm playing a flash game. The slime is cute!

The animation is really cute. Like adorable. Definitely the landing animation. Also the different effects like the shaking and sound effects really make this really fun to play. the music is also good

I like the visuals and the animations of the game. I thought the feedback of the slime's animations were interesting and enjoyable. The various effects also gave the game a lot of feel

The sprite is cute with the slime.

This game was enjoyable to mess around with and I would love to see it developed into a full game the animation and sound in combination really make it feel like you have a slime in your control.


What could this game have done better?


There's a short delay before you can jump again - while it is a minor issue, it'll be nice if this can be fixed or there's an indication to notify the players when the slime will be able to jump again. Given that there's more time to develop the game, I hope to see some more effects with the duck - it'll be nice to give the duck some animation or effect to signify the collision. It'll also be nice to see more actions that are possible with controlling the slime!

the on/off button UI follows player, which feels a bit weird.

I think for the demonstration's purpose it would have been better to have a smaller play area, or keep the same size with a few more obstacles/mobs

I really want to see what the spit attack would look like!

The menu location could be placed better. Whenever I would jump, some of the options would be cut off. It would have been better if you use hotkeys to toggle the effects or simply have a pause menu where you can toggle the effects.

Theres no scoring or winning or anything. I know its a prototype but maybe some sort of win system or maybe make that duck an enemy would be cool :)

It would be nice if the slime character had some sort of impact when landing

The UI is binded with player while there is a cinemachine or whatever camera that make the camera movement smooth, which looks weird personally(but I guess the toggle is not part of the grading). The speed of the jumping is not that fit its animation, maybe weaken the strength of the jumping.

If the game were to be developed into a full game the fact that the player can't jump again until the slime animation ends could become frustrating