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the pet shopView game page

A supposedly normal pet shop...
Submitted by grexzi, hshsilver, Boxish — 5 hours, 6 minutes before the deadline
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What did this game do well?


The mechanics are very well defined and fitting with the theme. The grappling mechanic of the game is also very fun. The level design is well thought out and makes for a good learning progression.

I like the features of the game. It is very well thought out. I like the idea of the game and that it is a game that has a learning curve but gets easier as you play more.

the mechanics in theory are really cool. I think if implemented with more physics (?) the tongue light mechanic could be very fun to play. reminds me of the spiderman game

how is introduce game mechanics one by one is pretty considerate.

This game displays depth very well. Combining wall climbing with swinging allows the player to really build momentum and get into a groove. The light of the lightbulbs being the area where you can swing isn't intuitive at first but makes sense.

I like the different mechanics and how they work for the theme of being a lizard. The grapple mechanic is especially cool, and impressive for the prototype constraint.

I love the niche gameplay of having a chameleon and tongue hang onto the lights. The inner and outer circle of the lights added a lot of clarity. I also loved the 'spike tech' where you jump on the spike to boost you up,

the tougue feature is well executed.

Love the idea of playing as a lizard. Mechanics are fun once you get a hang of them.


What could this game have done better?


When on a vertical drop, the camera should move down more otherwise it feels like the player is running in blind. The controls are quite clunky, I think the grapple mechanic would play much smoother if the control was a hold to grapple instead of a toggle. There are a few bugs through the game, the player falls slower when spamming space bar.

I think it would've been harder if the invisible/visible functions were a hold to stay in that state, instead of a toggle. I also feel like the controls are somewhat interesting and not really intuitive.

it was INCREDIBLY hard to swing off lights. maybe it's just me, but I struggled a lot getting past the first light/obstacle.

game control could be better especially the grapple control is very hard to use

The controls are a bit clunky, specifically when trying to chain together swinging-wall climbing-then swinging.

The controls are a little hard to get used to. The player character sticks to walls too much when not pressing the 'climb walls' button, which feels unnatural. The grapple mechanic is fun, but feels a bit loose and 'springy,' and hard to use. I think if the tether moved in a more predictable pattern, it could be really great.

I think that this just needed more unique levels and enemies, but overall great work

Maybe should involved mouse for control

Swinging from the bulb felt awkward mechanic wise initially. Having to jump with space while moving with arrow keys and then hitting left shift to swing and then again quickly after to let go felt a bit overwhelming mechanic wise, which made the learning curve a little steep.