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A jam submission

To my other halfView game page

A jam game I made to challenge myself
Submitted by MagDrez — 2 hours, 26 minutes before the deadline
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Jam Judge

Gameplay: Simple function platformer that behaves consistently. Great job on that. The stages clearly serve less as the meat as much as a pause from the narrative elements.  This is a solid design choice, and in the future I'd encourage you to figure out other mechanics or systems you could implement  that would align better with the core theming or intent.

Creativity & Innovation: Nothing groundbreaking, but I did appreciate the focus on narrative for the jam theme.

Theme Adherence:  Solid theme adherence. 

Playability & User Experience: Functions well, no bugs. Platforming was doable but not -too- easy for the control limitations. Really good job on that.

Art and Design: Honestly, I'm a huge fan of the artstyle. It's communicative, unique, and consistent with other assets. This is a very eye catching style and if you are able to replicate it consistently, there's a lot of space for this in games and elsewhere.

Overall Fun Factor:  I don't think the fun factor is there yet, but you did a great job of identifying what you wanted the game to communicate, which is a significant first step. This is really hard as fun is subjective, but also normalized to some degree. Figuring out how to incorporate fun into the game play can help player retention/completion and ensure the right emotional response ie evoked in players, while also being able to serve to help them bounce back for a more engaging cycle of emotions.

As an overall comment: Great job completing this, and again you really have something interesting with the art style.


The platforming may have been on the simple side, but you really went for the emotional impact! This played like reading a poem, I liked it! I also loved the art, it's a great example of art being a vessel for the message and mood of the