Love the art. Love the soundtrack. Love circling things with my hammer. Accidentally quit the entire run twice wanting to press escape to close the shop window. Great attitude for a game.
Play DesignOfTheDead
Design of the Dead's pageJudge feedback
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- Gameplay Overall the controls were easy to use and understand. My one issue was that picking the nail gun doesn't automatically equip it, so on my very first run I couldn't figure out how to use my weapon…but I figured it out! Having the controls in the bottom corner was very useful to get the hang of it quickly, and be able to glance in case I forgot them. I was sucked in and zeroed in on the game immediately. Creativity and Innovation I really like how many things are happening at the same time in this concept. The engineer called a witch that comes back as a zombie and is now just shooting cops in the tower he used to work at…..I love it! Theme Adherence Regarding the theme, I struggle to see the connection….but aren't we all bonded over our desire to shoot corrupt cops with nails? If that was intentional, A+ creative way to interpret the theme and build around it. If it was an accident…still A+ because in the future, no one will know if it was on purpose or not, you can just say it was! Off the top of my head, bringing it "Building Connections" could have been to just make this a "relay" type game, where each level is a new character(and by that I mean a reskin of the same character but you give him a new name), or to have the connections be the zombies we made along the way haha But that would be as a concept, because with the time allotted and the fact this is a jam to learn new skills, implementing it would have been a big hassle for little reward other than frustrations. This is just my narrative brain talking, and I had a lot of fun playing the game which I think is the main point regardless! Playability and User Experience I will say this a lot: the game was fun! Despite some hiccups(that could very well just be my lack of skills), I enjoyed it and wanted more. The game itself runs very smoothly, though having the enemies appear after entering a room can be a little confusing at times. My main issues were with the menus and struggling to find the X button at times, but UI is its own beast — I figured it out in the end, and that's what counts! Art and Design The art style is very simple, and that often enhances this type of gameplay. The less we have to focus on smaller details, the better, and that was absolutely there. The enemies were clearly different from the main character, and the different types of enemies were also easy to differentiate. Overall Fun Factor I've said it a bunch already but I'll say it again: It was fun! Things were clear enough that I could figure everything out pretty quickly, the music was engaging, the SFX didn't detract from the rest of the game, and the gameplay itself was pretty intuitive and fun. It was really satisfying to shoot nails at the enemies, and that added a lot to the overall fun factor. Good job! I hope you continue to make games and improve your skills, because there is a lot of potential already in such a small project. I can't wait to see what comes next!
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