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Zombies Conections (prototype)'s pageJudge feedback
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- Small advice of putting your page both in english and portuguese to ensure no players are turned away by thinking the game isn't available in english! A strong prototype for a bullet hell that needs a little more balancing before moving forward, but for a 7 day jam, it's very solid! I had some issues in later hordes where zombies would stack over each other and be unable to move away from their cluster (which was great for me, but bad for the game), and the boss level bugged out after I got the game over screen — I was unable to reconnect the towers, and the boss was still shooting at me from outside the map. Solid 2d assets, everything that was on the screen was clear and stood out against the background so it wasn't difficult to see enemies approach. It was a little unclear how to use the money, but I ended up opening up every building just by running around. Gameplay wise, since it's pretty standard it wasn't hard to grasp and whatever things were unique to the game were well explained over time, which I appreciated a lot because I had forgotten what the initial tutorial screen had told me when launching the game. It felt at times like the shooting speed+need to reload weren't balanced against the amount of enemies in each horde, making it easy to be completely swarmed by the zombies. There is a reason most of the bullet-hell maps are huge and empty, it helps avoid getting cornered by running in circles. The barrels were a nice touch, and it was very satisfying to blow up a group of zombies all at once — also helped get rid of the swarming feeling. In general, I would just pay close attention to ammo management vs. spawning speed, especially on small maps, to make sure it's very difficult to get stuck by the crowd. It's never fun to get a game over because you got stuck. The theme was well integrated, it was nice to have it be part of a wider narrative rather than just glued on top.
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