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A jam submission

Monkey BusinessView game page

In a Welsh village, a young boy faces danger to earn money for his dream bike.
Submitted by VestageGamesLtd (@VestageGamesLtd), yasscribble (@yasscribble), Peter Fox (@audio_pf) — 3 hours, 15 minutes before the deadline
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How does your game fit the theme?
To honour the theme "cycling," our objective in the game is to "upgrade your ride" while cycling through a Welsh village and avoiding the dangers that come with it.

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 4 days?


Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 4 days?



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Damn i suck as a salesperson, thank god i quit retail.

as for the game, its fun and a neat concept, but its reallly slow, even on a road, and the ice physics definitely need to be toned down. It would also be nice to be able to move diagonally, though i understand from a design perspective why that might not be doable. I loved the dialogue and the references were charming.


I love the jokes and art design very much ! :D


Thank you so much!


I really dig the art style of this game, and I enjoy the overall direction. The interactions with the NPCs were pretty funny. 

I will say that the player moves very slow in this game, making it a bit of a slog to get through. If there are items/buttons that are meant to make the bike go faster, that could have been elaborated on in the beginning.


Thanks for the detailed review! Glad to hear you enjoyed the experience over all. 

In terms of going fast, here are a few tips!

  • The different types of "ground" give you different speeds. Roads are the fastest, followed by dirt paths and lastly grass which makes you very slow. 
  • It's tricky to do but you can actually use the banana peels as a speed boost.

I hope that helps a little with the feeling of navigation <3


Amazing art and audio, but it is extremely difficult to navigate around with the equivalent of super ice movement.


Thanks for the review! That's a great way to describe how the movement feels- it's very slippy!


The game is pretty funny and the art is beautiful!


Happy it could make you chuckle!


I love the artwork and I fear the ironmouse bike


Thank you!! The Ironmouse bike haunts me too....


Hrmm the game wouldn't load for me at first then after a few refreshes it eventually opened. When I got into the game I hit a sheep and went flying off the map.. Looks really pretty though.


Hey Ecks thanks for trying the game! The sheep are actually supposed to make you bounce and if you hit them at high speed they do send you flying off the map hahaha.  


Really enjoyed playing through this one! The controls add an additional difficulty to the game (as well as the mosquitoes or bugs), and are slippery. But I like the added difficulty. The art is super cute, and it has a very cozy vibe. Great job!


Thanks Aiko! Glad you enjoyed it <3


the controls are a little bit difficult, but the sound and visuals are really great! I also love the humor you guys added haha


They are a bit slippy! I apologize, you are collateral in the mission to  make Connor suffer.  Glad you enjoyed it overall and thanks for playing !


Love the art style and the audio is very well done!

It did take quite a long time to load but it did load eventually. Could it be due to "Automatically start on page load" being enabled? There was a warning in the publish page about it not working well with Unity.


Glad you liked it! I need to check out your game the monke is so cute!

Thank you for the heads up! I think i missed that because I was tired. I'll double check asap. <3


I love the art style and I love the dialogue. It has a lot of charm to it, the pictures really crack me up. Some of the art reminds of the art used in 60 Seconds. 


Thanks a lot! glad you liked it ^^


AMAZING artstyle, all the sprites are adorable. Kept breaking the game by running into sheep and bouncing into the endless abyss, but overall very fun and challenging to speedrun. Multiple endings depending on how much rizz you have. 

I wanna drink Banana milk now.


THANK YOU! The sheep are directly my fault. Our programmer removed the bounce  because it was too fiddly to balance and I demanded it be put back in at 1 am with 3 hours to submission. I have no regrets though. Sheep are deadly.

I call it a feature, not a fault uwu


Would have loved to play the game, but the web version took too long to load T.T 
Screenshots look fun though !


Awwh that's a shame sorry to hear that!! Builds took us very long to make too. No clue why:( Let us know if it works after a minute or so if not we can maybe upload a WebDL version! 

PS: Can't wait to try your game.


IT IS FIXED (I think)- pressed the wrong tickbox on the backend.  Thank you to the dev that gave me the heads up to not autoplay Unity games.


It's a super polished game, I love the art and the script writing but HALP I KEEP DIE PEEPOCRY

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

NO PEEPO CRY! Glad you like it we put a lot of elbow grease into it.  Also you can beat it. Sell all the milk. I believe.


Marvelous aesthetics, everything fit together so well, cohesive! Game-play wise I wish the cars would have random varied speeds at some points to make it more of a challenge, but other features were all-good. Solid game-jam run, good job on it! :)


Thanks so much for giving it a try! The cars speeding to hit you is a great idea. If people like the game we'll implement it after the jam :)