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Meowch's pageJudge feedback
Judge feedback is anonymous.
- Impressive for so much polish in the art to come together in this time. It feels like a lot of experience and smart production planning went into this. The assets look good in the ways they should, but without overspending art dev time. Mechanics are relatively simple but lend themselves to the short story format. It feels complete as an experience, which is not that common for jam games.
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Aurora Borealis Studios
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Joguei em live.
A arte ta incrivel como sempre, adorei o plot twist no final kkkkkk
Se tenho uma coisa a reclamar é só a falta de uma polidinha na movimentação, tirando isso perfeito
Se quiser conferir a VOD ta aqui com timestamp
U A U!!! Que jogo incrível! Arte impecável e o jogo super prende o jogador. Sério isso ta perfeitinho demais! Parabéns!!!!!