Joguei em live, e achei incrível
A arte é absurda, combinada com essa musica meio misteriosa cria uma atmosfera incrível
Senti uma falta de um pequeno tutorial explicando pelo menos o básico do jogo, a principio pensei que a seta pra baixo indicaria uma perda de recurso caso eu não usasse a carta, não lembro de ter visto esse tipo de mecânica em outro jogo, e isso torna ele bem interessantes, você ter escolher baseado no gasto/recompensa.
Uma coisa que percebi depois de jogar é que pode ser interessante guardar material entre turno pra usar no próximo, depois vou ver se consigo jogar com um pouco mais de calma para chegar mais longe.
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Play game
Ironhive: The Colony's pageJudge feedback
Judge feedback is anonymous.
- I managed to stabilize my hive with 3 buildings, 2 pop and 2 food generating. From there I passed my turn 30 times in a row and continued to survive. At that time I started playing all the event cards to see what would happen and found something reduced my food generation to 0, so I started building more food generation with the same strategy as I started with. I re-stabilized and kept taking risks just see what would happen. I got to turn 65 or so. I feel like currently there isn't enough need to have population and that stat could be redefined to add more interplay between the values players are trying to balance. Events could have more obvious impact as well. I think there's a lot of room to play around with the design and balance 1) player motivations--what do they want to do next and why? 2) System dependencies. 3) Risk/reward. 4) The impact of sudden, unexpected events. 5) Long term goal--what they player wants to do eventually. Really great submission in terms of design, visuals, audio, connection to jam theme and expression.
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Wondernaut Studio
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