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L & L: Making Tracks's pageTeam Name
L & L
Team Members: First and Last Name
Lisa Szolovits, Lafiya Watson
Did you use Lightship ARDK (built on Unity) or WebAR (8th Wall)?
Lightship ARDK
Link to demo video (YouTube or Vimeo - Required for all submissions)
How did you innovate on this product? (Optional)
With AR, people usually think about visuals, but we were interested in exploring how to create an embodied music-making experience, allowing players to change the sound of the music by moving their bodies through space.
How does it speak to Niantic's mission? (Optional)
Our goal for this project is to make music experiences specific to a particular wayspot, creating a fun and interactive way to engage with the location. We imagine creating different available tracks for musically relevant locations around the city.
How complete is your project? (Optional)
We were careful to scope the project for the short turnaround. With more time, we would incorporate remote authoring tools so that the anchor would appear automatically in a more precise location. We'd also love to play more with UX, other music, and save options so that players can keep a slice of their custom mix!
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