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Piano Portal's pageTeam Name
Piano Portals
Did you use Lightship VPS (built on Unity) or VPS for WebAR (8th Wall)?
WebAR 8th Wall
Link to demo video (YouTube or Vimeo - Required for all submissions)
Link to playable demo (Required for WebAR projects only)
Briefly describe your project
This experience allows you to tap on the piano keys to open a portal into the piano, which was donated by Marvin to Emerson College. Once the portal opens, it plays one of Marvin's famous songs, "One". Notes fly out of the portal and escape into the air.
How did you come up with your project idea?
We were inspired during the opening keynote talking about the history of VPS locations and piano's history as it was donated to Emerson College. We set out visually show the story of that piano
How does it speak to Niantic's mission? (Optional)
We leveraged 8th walls implementation of VPS to deliver a bespoke location based experience.
How complete is your project? (Optional)
90%. We would like to add more interactions to piano keys or a character playing the piano
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