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A jam submission

FEZ - Industrial Area RemixView project page

Hybrid environment, based on the industrial hub area from Polytron's FEZ
Submitted by CraftyStarbolt — 2 minutes, 55 seconds before the deadline
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FEZ - Industrial Area Remix's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Concept/Idea Realisation​#63.5003.500
Demonstration of Technical Ability​#112.7502.750
General Visual Appeal​#172.7502.750

Ranked from 4 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous and shown in a random order.

  • You have documented the process very well of how you made the environment and what techniques you used with materials and textures. It's really nice how you finished and polished the project to a consistent standard. I would recommend you try to add some ambient movement to the environment for it to appear less static - some particle effects could work really well. Be careful when translating a 2D pixel art to 3D - issues like aliasing on hard edges can be really apparent when playing and viewing the video. I'd recommend you bevel some of the hard edges slightly just to mitigate the aliasing. It would be nice to see you apply your technical abilities on to a concept and idea that is your own.
  • Really nice aesthetic that could beneift from some break up of surface types - Overall its a nicely composed scene. The next stage would be to break up from of the flatness. If you look at the reference you can that generally this is done by adding a gradient that breaks up the flatness. I'd go a step further and break up each of the blocks more with edge detailing and some variation. - Going to a 3d style brings with it some expectation that surface materials should appear different. Even with platforms like Mario that uses bold and constrasting colour you can see see the surface types, bridge etc because they have a specific finish to them. I think adding this would bring it up to the next level. - It would be nice to see some atmospherics in the scene. Adding a bit of fogging the lower down the level to show there some depth.
  • I think you took a risk doing such a stylised environment, and you should be proud of yourself for doing so! (I'm a huge stylised art fan myself). My only point to consider going forward would be: is this the type of art that will help you get the job you want? If so, great! If not, try and tailor your portfolio towards the jobs you want to land.

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