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A jam submission

PUSH THE BOATView game page

First GameJam
Submitted by MIKOSHI CLOUD — 1 hour, 4 minutes before the deadline

Play GMTK 2023



CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 6 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
Because we doesn't control the boat but the wind

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We used pre-existing art

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We used pre-existing audio

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quite wacky controls, but nice visuals and music :)


Thank you for playing and enjoying our game! :)

It's true that the controls are a bit hard to get to grips with, sorry, we plan to work on them again after the GJ.

I'll take note of your idea!


Nice idea, getting the hang of the controls took a bit, but the ship became a lot easier to control after understanding how the wind works. Sometimes I encountered some issues where my boat would be swaying left and right a lot while only moving it in one direction with my mouse, I'm not sure if there were other items affecting the ship's movement or not, or if this is just a bug. I think a cool feature to add would be to allow the wind to control other physics objects, such as moving the barrels out of the way of the ship. Neat concept overall, good work!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for playing and enjoying our game! :)

Sorry for the problems with the controls, we plan to work on them again after the GJ. :D


really nice idea. Love the artstyle. I had to get used to the controlls at first, but i played threw the whole game. good job.


Thank you very much, we're sorry we weren't able to go into more detail on this project, but I hope you liked the style!

We'll work on it again after the GJ if you want to play it again when the game is a bit more stable. :)


Hi, i wanted to give you some feedback for your game

1. I'm not sure how the game fits the role reversal theme?

2. the controls werent explained or demonstrated so it took me a while to figure out how it worked (clicking vrs wasd for control) 

3. the ship slides around at what feels like random speeds. This makes the game more frustrating than difficult (it would be much better if the boat could actually turn. If you keep working on it, I think adding a little sail that raises and lowers and changes shape depending on wind would be both cool and help players know how much the ship will move) 

4. the game doesnt end immediately after losing, the screen takes a while to reset which is confusing.

5. theres no way to exit the game except alt/tab and closing the window. from desktop

Good job and good luck!


Hi, we thought we were in the theme, if you think we're not, then I'm sorry :(

We're aware that the game has quite a few problems, and that the controls are unfortunately very random, which wasn't our aim.

I'll take note of your ideas for the sail! :)

We'll work on it again after the GJ to make the game more fun and stable.

I hope you enjoyed the game all the same, and thank you for your feedback!


hi, sorry If it sounded negative, I just wanted to help you in case you want to improve the game after the jam. I think you did really great (especially since you did it all in 48 hours!) 

There were good parts of the game, I thought it was creative. It's inevitable to have bugs when you cram the dev in 48 hours, so don't sweat it! I was happy to play the game. 

Hope you keep working on it and keep on making games! 


I didn't take it negatively, don't worry! :D

Sorry if my sentences sound cold, I'm French and not very good at English :/

It makes me happy if you liked it anyway! :)