Less of a LARP than a ritual, as both the physical actions, verbal statements and even objects of thought are prescribed. To some extent it feels more like a digital game where we go through an experience highly tightly directed by a designer instead of the typical "roleplaying" scenario where we make decisions and explore consequences. I definitely VERY much appreciate the thought-provoking between-acts interstitial step; now I'm really thinking of the effect that would have and how to adjust it or promote it in other game experiences. To have taken this from a very abstract piece of visual art is itself very thought provoking. I love the emotional state this game attempts to create. Kudos, this is great work!
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Metempsychosis's itch.io pageWho are the authors?
Dymphna Coy
What type of game is this?
Storytelling Game (RPG or larp)
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