Really interesting game. I appreciated the extensive safety work up front and the wrap-up. From my memories of LARP the wrap-up was always among the most fun/interesting times. This game is innovative and atmospheric. I would love to play this!
If I had to make suggestions, I would say to clarify a few things: 1) I didn't realize right away that the concepts on the note cards in the glass box and the concepts of the player characters are two different things (are they?) 2) I don't see who the virtue and vice belong to - the shadows or the victims? Do they have mechanical effect or should they affect our questions to the Engineer or our decision to feed or fade? 3) By what principles should the Engineer answer questions about the survivor? And if the questions are disparate, how should the group stitch the disparate questions together into a memory scene?
All in all, a top tier game and great submission.
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