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Monsters from the shadowsView game page

Escape a town overrun by zombies
Submitted by Myre36 — 18 hours, 9 minutes before the deadline
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pros: good shooting and reloading system

cons: you shoot slowly even tough the pistol is semi automatic

Pros: Shoot zombies. Fun game.

Cons: Takes to many shots to kill a zombie.

Pros: good mechanic I like shooting, i like that zombies dont take much damage. 

cons: nothing other than it being short.



good shooting


takes too many bullets to kill them 

Pros: nice gameplay simple shooter

Cons: needs too many bullets to kill one zombie 


pro - like the idea

con - could make the camera further away and the killing easier. 

cons: you can glitch past the fence, gun feels weird

pros: very cool concept, gun and reload work

pros: Sound og music flott og art og takk fyrir kökuna :)

Cons: reload tekur mjög langan tima og ef þu spammar R þá basically hleður byssan við hvert tækifæri og fékk ekki mjölk með kökunni :(


Pros: Pretty cool start to the game

Cons: Reload is very weird and shooting feels slow


Pros: shooting is fun, clean visuals.

cons: reload speed never specified, takes too long, love the bug of literally going out of bounds.

Deleted post

Pros Öðruvísi og nett concept á leiknum, cool gun affect.

Cons zombies takes alot of hits.

pros: cool concept of a zombi game

cons: gun kind of wacky 

pros: i broke the game

cons: reload speed is VERY slow and unclear, arms look broken

Submitted (1 edit)

game very short nice concept

no health gun reload reallly slow

zombie slow

Submitted (1 edit)

Enginn ending, zombies með of mikið health og hægt að hlaupa fram hjá þeim. Flott graphics og góð controls




Zombies have too much hp imo