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A jam submission

SHH..!View project page

a punkish anti-capitalism zine
Submitted by Royal W. Isaac — 23 days, 20 hours before the deadline
Rated by 7 people so far
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I like the imagery and the message, although I have to agree that it may have been a bit too esoteric for my personal tastes. The feeling it left me with is a bit of helplessness, ironically. I think because it reminded me how much art like this has already been rendered acceptable and co-opted by capitalism, not even specifically this piece, but more in general this kind of art. I do appreciate the raw self-expression and presentation a lot, though, there is some real, visible effort and creativity here.


A little short and esoteric for my tastes, but not bad. I dig the creativity and imagery. In a way it feels disjointed (fragmented) but cohesive which I thought was rather interesting.