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scha rated a game 7 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.
A browser game made in HTML5.
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.
Kreou rated a game 7 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.
Valk rated a game 7 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.

i am sad, but know more now

I lost the first 40, but they've joined me now


We first became aware of the Twiti in 6859. They inhabit the temperate planet Fjifji in the Fwufwi system. They are fearful, serious, and sedentary.

The Twiti have developed a simple system of writing, which they use primarily for record-keeping.

The Twiti have learned how to catch water-dwelling creatures such as the twuxi, which is now a staple part of the Twiti diet.

The Twiti use stone tools for many things, including when hunting the wild fwifwu.

In 6924, many of the fractious Twiti clans were united under a single banner by an individual known as Dwudi. The resulting empire has its capital at Fjifwi Tjidi and rules over approximately 37% of the entire Twiti population. Unusually for the Twiti, it is governed by a council of oligarchs.

The Twiti have begun to watch the skies and recognize patterns in the movements of stars, which they use to navigate over great distances and keep track of time.

The Twiti have developed a sophisticated understanding of basic mathematics, such as arithmetic, algebra, and geometry.

Despite a few initial mishaps, the Twiti have mastered the control of fire. They use it to cook their food, and to light their villages at night.

The Twiti have begun to cultivate crops, including fwifji, a kind of tasty fungus that grows well in the soil of Fjifji.

The Twiti have discovered how to forge molten metal into jewelry, tools, weapons, and armor.

The Twiti have begun to use lenses and mirrors made from polished crystal, glass, and water to redirect and focus light.

Some of the Twiti have begun to experiment with alchemy, systematically searching for new ways of combining and manipulating ingredients to yield useful chemicals, compounds, and medicines.

The Twiti have begun to construct permanent dwellings and other structures. Wherever possible, they seem to prefer marble as a building material.

The Twiti have learned how to build ships and sail them across the oceans of Fjifji to explore and trade over increasingly greater distances.

The Twiti have domesticated a species of small flying animals. The pets assist their Twiti owners with hunting in exchange for food and shelter.

The Twiti have begun to make use of more sophisticated construction techniques, relying on sturdy structural elements such as arches and buttresses to support larger and larger buildings.

The Twiti have begun to construct wind and water mills, which redirect the forces of the natural world to perform repetitive mechanical tasks such as grinding grain and pumping water.

The Twiti have built elaborate pipe and sewer systems to supply their larger settlements, such as Fjifwi Tjidi, with fresh water and a hygenic means of waste disposal.

The Twiti have developed a simple printing press, and mass-produced versions of important texts have begun to circulate widely throughout the world. Philosophical texts are especially popular.

Through systematic observation and categorization of the various living things on Fjifji, the Twiti have begun to develop a more sophisticated understanding of biology. Some theorists have even put forth the idea that dramatically different-looking organisms, such as the fwifwu and the twuxi, may in fact be descended from a single common ancestor.

In 7171, an emerging religion known as Xwiti became the official religion of the largest Twiti state. Adherents of Xwiti wear simple white cloaks to mark themselves as believers.

The Twiti have developed a practical and cost-effective steam engine, which can be fueled with wood or coal.

The Twiti have discovered a way to manufacture gunpowder, which they primarily use in warfare.

In their efforts to understand the motion of planets in the sky, free-falling bodies, and projectiles, the Twiti have developed a new branch of mathematics which is immediately recognizable as calculus.

The Twiti have successfully tamed electricity, and are now beginning to deploy it throughout society. Electric lights are widespread, electric motors are used to drive factories, and the growing need for electric power has led to the construction of power plants near every major center of Twiti population.

The Twiti have begun harnessing the power of electricity to send messages across very great distances with unprecedented speed. Due to the overhead of encoding and decoding messages, long-distance communication remains far from instantaneous, but it is now possible for individuals on opposite sides of Fjifji to exchange several messages over the course of a single day.

The Twiti have developed an accurate model of the internal structure of the atom, which has also enabled them to understand the phenomenon of radioactivity.

The initially controversial hypothesis that diseases can be caused by microorganisms has begun to catch on among the Twiti, leading to the widespread adoption of public health policies which have greatly reduced the spread of disease.

The Twiti have begun to understand quantum physics.

The Twiti have discovered that electromagnetic waves may be used to transmit information, enabling the development and widespread deployment of media for audiovisual broadcasting.

With the development of the transistor, the Twiti have begun to construct more sophisticated electronic circuits.

In 7289, the Twiti population reached 25 million individuals. Many of these dwell within permanent cities, the largest of which is known as Fjifwi Tjidi and has a population of 64,000.

The Twiti have begun to build general-purpose programmable computers.

Due to its role as the birthplace of several major Twiti religions, including the especially prominent Xwiti faith, the city of Fjifwi Tjidi is regarded by many of the Twiti as a holy site. The archbishop of Fjifwi Tjidi is considered the de facto leader of the Xwiti church as a whole, and pilgrimages to the city are commonplace.

The Twiti have developed flying machines which can carry them into the skies above Fjifji.

The Twiti have begun to connect their computers into a single vast network, enabling communication and collaboration on a truly global scale.

The Twiti have developed a form of artificial general intelligence which rivals many of their own intellectual capabilities.

The Twiti have arrived at a sophisticated understanding of genetics, which has enabled them to craft new forms of life by deliberately modifying the genes of existing organisms.

The Twiti have constructed their first cost-effective quantum computers, dramatically improving their collective ability to perform certain types of calculation.

The Twiti have begun to experiment with the use of "intelligent materials", in the form of swarms of programmable nanobots.

Through their investigations of quantum phenomena, the Twiti have discovered a means of sending and receiving messages which travel at speeds exceeding that of light itself.

The Twiti have begun to develop rockets.

The Twiti have taken their first tentative steps into space, launching craft capable of supporting several individuals into orbit around Fjifji before retrieving them safely.

The Twiti have begun to establish permanent colonies on worlds other than Fjifji. Although still largely unable to travel outside of the Fwufwi system, the distribution of Twiti civilization across multiple worlds greatly reduces the risk that they will collapse due to any crisis of merely planetary scale.

The Twiti have successfully tested their first faster-than-light starship. No longer are they trapped within the gravity well of the Fwufwi system: they are now free to take their place alongside us as fellow wanderers among the stars.

In 7409, the Twiti joined us.

spyball420 rated a game 7 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
QubitDev rated a game 7 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.

Found a bug. Acidentaly typed "ç" when trying to type help. When I tried to delete it, the game crashed.

infury rated a game 7 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.

Very fun!

A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.
Ryan Davis rated a game 7 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.

I am so into this. The main game would have been enough, but now I'm lost in the intrigue. Would have preferred fewer game crashing bugs (like typing in a job ID that doesn't exist throwing a null error) but the game is so compelling I kept starting from scratch anyway.

lunakahuna rated a game 7 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.

Loved the rock paper scissors easter egg.

Teascade rated a game 7 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.

Simple but good idea, my friend actually made a game with almost exactly the same idea for Ludum Dare actually once :D

The aesthetic is something though I've never seen done properly before, it's just leaving me blown away, so amazing!

I didn't try out very far into the game yet though, I'll be playing a bit after this review too, but I especially loved so far the terminal space station idea! It's really cool and unique!

I found a bug though, which made me quit the game and write this review though, as a fellow developer I understand though, so you won't be getting penalties for it, don't worry! The bug was simple, your terminal didn't allow for some UTF-8 letters I accidentally pressed (mainly probably å/ä/ö)

The controls are a bit wonky, which is why I'm giving a 4/5 instead of a 5/5 though. Even though i understand the idea behind them, they feel a bit uncomfortable and weird to use.

naskoprobg rated a game 7 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.

One of the best space games I ever played!

lincerely rated a game 7 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.

After investigate the signal, go into a black terminal, and I got an error when I hit tab. It says:


anomaly/main.lua:0:bad argument #1 to 'find' (string expected, got nil)


[C]:in function'find'

anomaly/main.lua: in function 'completeionCallback'

anomaly/terminal.lua: in function 'onKeyDown'

anomaly/main.lua: in function <anomaly/main.lua:0>

[C]: in function 'xpcall'

sungk rated a game 7 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.
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